Songs, choreos and scenes used without permission

Many of my songs were recorded without my permission or awareness. Same for some choreos and scenes.

If you recorded any of my songs without crediting me or informing me about it, leave a comment bellow and let's get in contact.

Don't use your artistic name on the comments. Few people read the credits of songs in the albums, but songwriters (composers) need the official credit, thus, I want to solve this as discreetly as possible.

If you featured one of my scenes, characters or choreos, you need to credit me. And if you already corrected the credits, you need to inform me of that.

Reminding you also that I don't have any other online social profile under the name of Camilla Saidi and I don't email anyone that hasn't contacted me before.

Camilla Saidi

Photo: Andreas Aux


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